Monday, August 5, 2013

DUP to meet PSNI over Castlederg parade

DUP West Tyrone MLA Thomas Buchanan will this week meet PSNI Assistant Chief Constable George Hamilton to stress the importance of ?adequate policing? at the upcoming commemoration parade in Castlederg.

DUP MLA Arlene Foster will also be attending the meeting.

The Tyrone Volunteers Day event is planned to take place on Sunday August 11 to commemorate two IRA members killed in 1973 when the bomb they were transporting exploded.

?Sinn Fein, as the organiser of this parade, should recognise the insensitive impact on innocent victims and cancel it forthwith,? said Mr Buchanan.

?This is nothing other than an exercise to glorify the terrorists who murdered 29 innocent people in the Castlederg area.

?It is an outrage that Sinn Fein in West Tyrone has even organised such an event in this community. I have visited homes in the area and know firsthand that there is massive opposition to the event both in the Catholic and Protestant community.?

The West Tyrone MLA said the consistent message coming from residents is ?that the PSNI need to properly police this event?.

He said: ?People are sick and tired of events where terrorists are paraded as heroes and where the enforcement of Parades Commission determinations seems to be non-existent.?

Mr Buchanan said during the meeting he will be seeking ?an assurance that the police will be monitoring the Castlederg parade to ensure there are no breaches of the Parades Commission determination?.

He added: ?There should be no paramilitary garb or other images relating to proscribed organisations. In the circumstances where a proscribed organisation is promoted we will be asking the police what action they will take and about their duty under the Terrorism Act.

?Whilst the police have a duty to uphold the determination, our continued belief is that any parade of this nature is grossly offensive to the victims of PIRA terrorism.

?This parade will pass the spot where Jacob Rankin and Jackie Hamilton were shot.

?There is little more offensive to their families than to possibly have Jacob and Jackie?s murderers parade past those sites to a hero?s welcome.?


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