Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hugo Chavez turns 57 vowing to overcome cancer (AP)

CARACAS, Venezuela ? Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez celebrated his 57th birthday Thursday vowing to overcome cancer and remain in power for two more decades.

Speaking to a crowd of supporters from a balcony of the presidential palace, Chavez said he expects to lose his hair soon as a result of chemotherapy and that his cancer treatments will continue for months. But he said he will be ready to run for re-election in 2012.

"I invite you all to celebrate my 77th," Chavez told his cheering supporters. "I had said I'd leave in 2021. Well, I'm not going away in 2021 or anything. Maybe in 2031."

He waved a large Venezuelan flag on the balcony, then sang and swayed while a band below playing folk music. He saluted to the crowd and blew kisses while hundreds of supporters cheered and pumped fists in the air.

As for his cancer treatment, he said: "This is going to be various months all of this year, but I'm going to continue in charge of my government functions."

"And next year, we will win the presidential elections once again! Strength, unity!" Chavez said. Setting a goal he has never before reached, he said: "We're going for 10 million votes next year!"

The crowd chanted "Oh, no! Chavez won't go!"

Chavez put an arm around one of his daughters and watched while sparkling candles burned on a giant cake. Two grandsons and a granddaughter stood with him.

"I'd like to be down there with you all, but I shouldn't," Chavez said. He explained that due to chemotherapy his normal immune defenses are lower, and said: "I have to take a great deal of care."

He said earlier on state television that he should be finished with the most difficult phase of his cancer treatments by December, when he hopes to host a summit of Latin American leaders in Caracas.

"At the end of the year, I should have passed this hard, careful, very, very strict phase," Chavez said in a telephone conversation aired on television Thursday morning.

He said he sent letters inviting Latin American and Caribbean leaders to the summit in Caracas on Dec. 9. That meeting had originally been scheduled for July 5-6 but was postponed due to Chavez's illness.

Around the country, Chavez's supporters held a series of televised events honoring his birthday. A group of children sang for him and blew out a candle on a cake. Supporters danced to live music in a Caracas plaza and the president's older brother, Adan, led a crowd singing "Happy Birthday."

The president didn't attend other events aside from his appearance at the presidential palace. He said that for now he needs to limit his contact with the public because chemotherapy has weakened him and his white blood cell count has declined.

"I even asked my mother, my brothers, my family to stay put in Barinas," their home state in western Venezuela, Chavez said.

His mother, Elena Frias, sent her best wishes in an interview on state television.

"I would calmly trade my life for that of my son because I know that my son is more needed by Venezuela than I am," she said.

Chavez underwent surgery in Cuba on June 20 to remove a cancerous tumor. He hasn't said what type of cancer he has been diagnosed with or specified where exactly it was located, saying only that it was in his pelvic region.

He underwent his first phase of chemotherapy in Cuba last week and said the treatment was to ensure that no malignant cells reappear.

"When surgery is done on patients with cancer, there's always a concern of microscopic cells, or individual cells left behind even though all of the physical tumor is removed, all the imaging is negative," said Dr. Jeffrey Crawford, chief of medical oncology at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.

"The role of chemotherapy is to go through the body and attack any remaining cells that may have been laying dormant or hidden," said Crawford, who is not involved in the president's treatment.

Crawford said it's not possible to draw conclusions about Chavez's treatment based on the president's account that his hair will fall out, because that's often the case with many types of chemotherapy. But based on Chavez's comments, he added, "I think the best-case scenario would probably be three to four months of chemo."

Chavez has said he is preparing to begin his second phase of chemotherapy. It's unclear how soon that could begin.

The leftist president, who has been in office since 1999, is seeking re-election next year to another six-year term.

Speaking to the crowd, Chavez called on his supporters to "strengthen our revolutionary movements."

"We have to keep advancing toward other sectors, of the middle class... the undecided," Chavez said.

Chavez also said he is changing one of his political slogans. It used to be "Socialist fatherland or death," but he said, "there will be no death here." He told the crowd: "Socialist fatherland and victory!"


Associated Press writer Ian James contributed to this report.


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How to Take a Screenshot or Picture of What's On Your Computer Screen [Emailable Tech Support]

How to Take a Screenshot or Picture of What's On Your Computer ScreenThere are a couple of reasons you might want to take a screenshot (a.k.a., screen capture or screen grab) of your desktop or an application window. One of the most common is to send the image to tech support to show a problem you're experiencing. Whatever your motive, here's how to take a screenshot on both Windows and Mac.

Take a Screenshot on Windows

How to Take a Screenshot or Picture of What's On Your Computer ScreenLook for the Print Screen key on your keyboard, which might be labeled PrtScn. Photo remixed from original by John Hall & Associates.

  • To capture the entire screen (everything you see on the screen, including all open windows), press the PrtScn button. This screenshot will be placed in your clipboard.
  • Alternatively, to capture just the active or foremost window, press Alt+PrtScn.
  • Next, open an image editing program like Microsoft Paint and either go to the Edit menu then select Paste or, for a faster method, hit Ctrl+V to paste the image into the program.
  • Go to the File menu then choose Save As and save the image to a folder so you can later attach it to an email.

Using the Snipping Tool

How to Take a Screenshot or Picture of What's On Your Computer ScreenBoth Windows Vista and Windows 7 come with a more robust screen capturing tool, the Snipping Tool. With the Snipping Tool, you can define areas of the screen to capture (an irregular shape, rectangle that you draw, selected window, or the entire screen), annotate the screen capture, and share via email. Since you can save the image directly from the program, the Snipping Tool also saves you the step of having to open Paint or a different program and pasting the image from the clipboard.

To use the Snipping Tool:

Once you've got your screenshot you can save it, email or copy it for pasting into another application.

Take a Screenshot on Mac OS X

Mac OS X also has built-in screen grabbing functionality. After pressing these key combinations to take your screenshot, you'll hear a click and the screenshot will be saved as PNG file to your desktop.

  • To capture the entire screen, press Cmd+Shift+3 at the same time.
  • To capture a select area of your screen, press Cmd+Shift+4. Your cursor will turn into a crosshair and you can drag around the area you want to capture.
  • To capture a specific window or something like the Dock or menu bar, press Cmd+Shift+4 and then immediately after, hit the Spacebar. The crosshair will turn into a little camera and highlight the window or objects you can capture.

(There are more advanced screen capture settings you can tap using the Mac's Terminal and entering in some commands. For example, you could change the default file image type or force the screen capture to go to the clipboard. You can find the manual and commands for Apple's screencapture in Apple's Mac OS X Developer Library.)

Using the Grab Tool

How to Take a Screenshot or Picture of What's On Your Computer ScreenIn the Utilities folder under Applications, OS X also has a tool for taking screenshots called Grab. To use it:

More Screenshot Tools and Resources

These are Windows and Mac OS X's built-in screen capturing tools, but there are plenty of other screenshot tools that are helpful if you need to make screen captures fairly regularly. For starters, you might want to take a look at five of Lifehacker readers' favorite screen capture tools.

Emailable Tech Support is a tri-weekly series of easy-to-share guides for the less tech savvy people in your life. Got a beginner tech support question you constantly answer? Let us know at Remember, when you're just starting out computing, there's very little that's too basic to learn.

You can follow or contact Melanie Pinola, the author of this post, on Twitter.


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Saturday, July 30, 2011

A taxpayer-supported campaign against Big Government

Taxpayer dollars in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Kansas are being spent to fund state lawmakers' memberships in the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which provides model state legislation drafted with the help of big business. In some of the states, public money has gone to travel and food expenses as well, including in Pennsylvania, whose taxpayers spent $50,000 to cater ALEC?s 2007 conference in Philadelphia.

The public money is helping to fund the activities of an organization dedicated to drastically cutting government spending and whose non-profit status is currently being challenged by Common Cause, which contends that ALEC is essentially a lobbying organization. Corporations are given a direct role in drafting the model legislation that ALEC urges states to adopt -- legislation that, if enacted, often benefits the same corporations. ALEC defines itself as a professional association, just like scrupulously nonpartisan organizations like the National Conference of State Legislatures and The Council of State Governments, which legislators commonly belong to.

"ALEC receives payment from a variety of sources, sometimes in the form of educational grants for legislative members," ALEC spokeswoman Raegan Weber wrote in an email to Salon. "ALEC provides an educational environment to hear from experts on a variety of issues including education, public safety, health care and tax and fiscal policy."

The most notable disbursement of public money to ALEC, discovered in documents obtained by this reporter from Common Cause for a separate Philadelphia City Paper article, took place in Pennsylvania, where a $50,000 appropriation to cater the ALEC meeting was slipped into the 2007 state budget. The food bill for that gathering ended up including $30,450 for roasted chicken breast, $4,000 for Philly cheese-steaks and $3,000 for cheesecake lollipops -- all of it paid for by Pennsylvania taxpayers.

In the budget, the ALEC outlay was described as being "for the payment of expenses related to hosting conferences, meetings or conventions of multistage organizations which protect the member states? interests or which promote governmental financial excellence or accountability."

"This was something that was hidden from members and no one knew anything about this," former State Rep. Karen Beyer, a moderate Republican ousted in 2010 by a Tea Party-backed primary challenger, told Salon.

Asked if this was appropriate for state money to be spent this way, Raegan replied, "ALEC events are educational forums; this includes plenary meal sessions with hundreds of members."

Sam Rohrer, the director of the Pennsylvania chapter of the conservative group Americans for Prosperity and a former state representative, defended that explanation.

?$50,000 is $50,000, that?s a lot of money. And for catering, that?s a lot of money. No question about it," he said, "But for Pennsylvania to be a gracious host for a national convention is something for the legislature to worry about.?

Good government groups in Pennsylvania disagree.

"The tradition in Pennsylvania is for the corporate interests to pay for our lawmakers? merriment, not the other way around," Terry Shaffer of Democracy Rising PA, a prominent Harrisburg watchdog, said in an email. "We can see it in their ethics filings -- at least, the ones in which they bother to include the gifts. The taxpayers should not pay for a partisan organization's cold-cuts."

Pennsylvania also paid per diems to legislators attending ALEC conferences, and reimbursed them for other expenses relating to their travel -- $6,667.78 since 2007.

One Republican state representative, Daryl Metcalfe, perhaps the state's most outspokenly conservative legislator, has received per diems for three ALEC conferences, including one as recently as last December. According to state documents Metcalfe received state per diems for ALEC conferences in both 2007 and 2009, two years that ALEC also reimbursed Metcalfe for, respectively $832.91 and $1,464.51.

Metcalfe is the founder of State Legislators for Legal Immigration (SLLI), the national group of state lawmakers that is seeking to deny birthright citizenship to the children of non-citizens, and he has introduced numerous pieces of legislation reflecting ALEC's priorities, including a voter ID bill.

Alexis Brown, the comptroller for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, refused to explain how her office decides what is and is not a permissible business expense that can be reimbursed with public funds.

Republican Majority Leader Michael Turzai has also had membership dues paid for by the state, something that Turzai's spokesman, Steve Mishkin, defended.

"It?s always good to hear from the experience of other legislatures," he said. "That?s how you exchange ideas, best practices, and try to bring those to Pennsylvania?s problem."

Mishkin likened ALEC to the NCSL, but the NCSL doesn't develop and promote model legislation with corporate input and is open to legislators regardless of their ideology. ALEC, by contrast, boasts that its conference "has been described as the 'largest gathering of conservatives held each year.'"

The use of public money for ALEC are beginning to draw attention nationwide. The Lawrence Journal-World has reported that Kansas taxpayers paid $9,132 to send thirteen house members and four state senators to ALEC in 2010; the Tennessean has found that in 2010, Tennessee taxpayers paid $15,000 for a San Diego conference; and the liberal advocacy group OneWisconsin has discovered that Wisconsin paid for memberships for 12 state senators.

Many fiscal conservatives have long been critical of recipients of taxpayer funds spending money to lobby the government. David Boaz of the Cato Institute, for instance, has attacked the idea of "a government-funded entity...using its taxpayer funds to lobby to get more money from the taxpayers." Through a spokesperson, Boaz declined to comment for this article, saying that it would be unfair to discuss ALEC in isolation from other organizations.

"It?s worth the ethics commission looking at whether ALEC is acting as a lobbyist in violation of state lobbyist disclosure law,? said Barry Kauffman of Pennsylvania Common Cause. "From what I?ve read, it seems like they should be registering and reporting."


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Green Thinking for Green Thinkers | Apple Heating & Cooling

There are a lot of media stories about exciting new green buildings: LEED-certified buildings, net-zero buildings, buildings made out of recycled shipping containers, homes in New Urbanist communities, even ?ultra-small? homes. But a new home can be pricey. Fortunately, though, all these innovative green ideas can be applied where you live right now. In fact, going green in your existing home might even be better for the environment than building a brand-new home.

If you wish your home could be LEED-accredited, focus on energy conservation and indoor air quality in your existing home. Upgrade to a high-efficiency furnace and air conditioner and consider adding central air filtration to your heating and cooling system. Install Energy Star appliances and WaterSense plumbing fixtures. For remodeling projects, use VOC-free paints and natural materials.

If you wish you had a ?net-zero? home, consider geothermal ? and insulate. Geothermal systems use 70% renewable energy and protect you against spikes in oil and utility prices. To increase your energy savings still more, tighten the ?thermal envelope? of your home by identifying and sealing hidden air leaks and adding insulation.

If you wish you lived in a ?recycled? home, get to know your local salvage yard. Many communities have ?architectural salvage? shops and recycle/reuse areas in their landfills. When you do your next home improvement project, go shopping at your landfill first. This is not only great for the environment; it?s also great for your budget. Plus, you?ll end up with a creative, unique home. (Of course, make sure that you don?t re-use items containing lead, asbestos, or other contaminants.)

If you wish you lived in a New Urbanist community, start walking and biking in your own community. Experiment with replacing some of your car trips with walking or biking trips. If you find that your community isn?t pedestrian- or bike-friendly, work with local politicians to change this. Learn about your local public transportation options to see if you can fit them into your lifestyle. If you?re in the market for a new home, make location and proximity to work and shops a primary consideration.

If an ?ultra-small? home looks like fun but seems impractical as a long-term residence, consider reducing the size of your own living space. If your kids are grown, it may be time to downsize to a smaller home that uses less energy. If you?re building a new home or an addition to your current home, build only what you need. Sometimes the greenest building decision you make can be deciding to build less.

(The ?Not So Big House? website ( is a great resource for those interested in downsizing while maintaining a high quality of life.)

Tags: Geothermal, LEED, Mayfield Village, net-zero, Roaming Shore, South Russell


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Friday, July 29, 2011

Critics Consensus: Cowboys and Aliens is All Mixed Up

Plus, The Smurfs has critics feeling blue, and Crazy, Stupid, Love is sharp and funny.

Also opening this week in limited release:

  • The Interrupters, a documentary about a group of "violence interrupters" who attempt to combat urban violence in Chicago, is at 100 percent.
  • The Guard, starring Brendan Gleeson and Don Cheadle in a dramedy about a gruff Irish policeman who teams with an incredulous FBI agent on a drug investigation, is at 93 percent.
  • Attack the Block, an action/comedy about a group of inner city London kids who defend the city against an alien invasion, is Certified Fresh at 91 percent.
  • The Future, directed by and starring Miranda July in the tale of an unmarried couple whose maturity is tested after adopting a stray cat, is at 91 percent.
  • Point Blank, a French thriller about a nurse who finds himself caught in the crossfire of rival gangsters as he attempts to save his kidnapped wife and child, is at 88 percent.
  • Sleep Furiously, a lyrical documentary about life in a Welsh farming community, is at 79 percent.
  • Good Neighbors, starring Scott Speedman and Jay Baruchel in a thriller about the residents of an apartment building who become fascinated with a series of local murders, is at 65 percent.
  • The Devil's Double, starring Dominic Cooper in a dual role as Saddam Hussein's hard-partying son Uday and as his reluctant body double, is at 61 percent.


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It is well known that sports supplements can assist athletes, bodybuilders, individuals on weight loss plans, and anyone merely wanting to be physically fit the extra power and fuel that their bodies require along with the increased efficiency that they desire. These nutritional supplements come in many various varieties to present exactly what you need for your body. Very good old fashioned difficult work and training will always be necessary but supplements are a fantastic way to get far more outcomes and take it to a greater level.

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When you are searching for the best sports supplements to take, you really do need to be careful. Make sure you look at the various ingredients and understand how different supplements work. You should also read lots of reviews, talk to a professional, and gather all the information you can to decide which ones are going to be best for your specific needs. It?s also wise to consult a doctor to make sure your body is okay to take the supplement and any effects of it, positive or negative. It?s a bad idea to simply start putting stuff into your body without some professional advice first.

You can almost certainly get along just fine without sports supplements, many people can, nevertheless they can be extremely helpful in many various approaches for all sorts of individuals. Nutritional supplements typically supply numerous positive aspects for your body, mind, well being, diet plan, and efficiency. It can be often times extremely hard to obtain in all of the required nutrients in a day, so these supplements are great for helping with that and for producing you the very best you?ll be able to be as an athlete. Do a lot of research to locate the best items for your needs just before you commence utilizing them and you should be good to go.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wiz Khalifa Felt 'It Was Time' For Big Sean, Curren$y Collabos

'We'll see what comes of it,' Wiz tells MTV News about rumors of a joint mixtape.
By Steven Roberts

Wiz Khalifa
Photo: MTV News

Getting a gold plaque is a big deal these days. The music industry has changed drastically in the past 10 years, and rappers are more likely to rack up download sales for singles than for entire albums. So when Wiz Khalifa learned that his debut, Rolling Papers, had gone gold, selling more than 500,000 copies, he was ecstatic.

"The album going gold, that's crazy, just because these days, I know how much doesn't sell and I know how hard it is to get to that point," Wiz told MTV News on the set of his upcoming "No Sleep" video. "It's a big deal for me, and with 'Black and Yellow' being triple-platinum, 'Roll Up' being platinum, it's just all going towards what I said before: my fanbase and my underground love transitioning into sales and numbers, which people really respect in the end."

Wiz has had a very successful year and a half. In addition to the new plaques adorning the walls of his bakery, Wiz is one of the front-runners for the Best New Artist award at the 2011 VMAs. And in spite of the success the Taylor Gang general has been enjoying, he's still not above giving back to his fans.

He recently released five new tracks via his Twitter, featuring partner in crime Curren$y, his Rolling Papers tourmate Big Sean and Wiz himself. The Pittsburgh MC's team at ID Labs produced all of the tracks ("O.T.T.R," "Weed Brownies," "Dot Dot Dot" and "Flowers" are produced by Big Jerm; the fifth track, "Proceed," was produced by Cardo). The new releases only increased speculation that a joint mixtape — maybe even an album — with all three MCs might be in the works. But Wiz said he wasn't sure what exactly would come of the material because they recorded them just for fun.

"It's always fun to be in the position where we could make music that sells to people, videos that people enjoy, and still just drop free music that we feel like is just good stuff," Wiz said. "And at the end of the day, we weren't hearing anything like what we make and I felt like it was time for that. Me and Spitta, we talk all of the time, and it was just a thing where he called me and he was like, 'Yo, we need to do something,' and I was like, 'Yeah, we should do something. We should do this,' and he was like, 'Perfect.' "

Wiz said he thought Sean would be a perfect fit, adding something new to what he and Curren$y have previously done.

"We've done that before, so if we did it again, we would just be doing it over," Wiz said of his and Curren$y's collabos. "We wanted to do something new, add that new element, and it ended up being real fun. It's definitely not How Fly 2, but we'll see what comes of it."

What do you think of Wiz's latest tracks with Curren$y and Big Sean? Share your reviews in the comments!

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Army chief expected to win Joint Chiefs post (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The reshuffling of key members of President Barack Obama's national security team is nearly finished, with Army Gen. Martin Dempsey facing his Senate confirmation as the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, replacing Navy Adm. Mike Mullen.

Dempsey is testifying Tuesday before the Senate Armed Services Committee and is expected to easily win full Senate approval.

Mullen is retiring Oct. 1 after four years as senior military adviser to the president and to the secretary of defense. His departure follows the retirement of Defense Secretary Robert Gates last month and the pending move of Gen. David Petraeus from commander of international forces in Afghanistan to director of the CIA. Former CIA chief Leon Panetta has taken over for Gates at the Pentagon.

Next week, Marine Gen. James Cartwright will finish his term as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs and retire, to be succeeded by Navy Adm. James Winnefeld, who is expected to be confirmed by the Senate shortly. Also awaiting Senate approval is the nomination of Gen. Ray Odierno to succeed Dempsey as Army chief.

The new lineup appears to offer the promise of stability in Obama's relations with the military as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wind down. The president will look to Dempsey and Panetta for advice on managing future defense spending cuts without undercutting military strength and morale.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs is not in the chain of command that runs from the president to the secretary of defense to commanders in the field.

Dempsey has taken an unusually twisted path to the military's top job. He has joked that he may go down in history as the shortest-serving Army secretary. He took that job April 11. Barely a month later Obama picked him to succeed Mullen, reflecting a presidential change of heart about Cartwright, who for months had been widely assumed to be a shoo-in for the prestigious post.

After two tours in Iraq ? first as commander of the 1st Armored Division in Baghdad and later as commander of the organization charged with training and equipping Iraqi security forces ? Dempsey was serving behind the scenes as deputy to Adm. William J. Fallon, head of the U.S. Central Command, when Fallon resigned suddenly in 2008. Gates installed Dempsey as interim commander, even though he had already been nominated and confirmed to become the top commander of U.S. Army forces in Europe.

After several months Petraeus took over at Central Command and Dempsey was given command of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command at Fort Monroe, Va., where he developed the Army's thinking on how to prepare for future wars. There he preached "the gospel of adaptation" ? a conviction that in uncertain times, soldiers and their leaders must be versatile and open to new ways of doing things.

Dempsey, who grew up in New Jersey and New York, received a master's degree in English from Duke University in 1984 and then taught English at West Point. He also earned master's degrees from the Army's Command and General Staff College in 1987 and from the National War College in 1995.


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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

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Monday, July 25, 2011

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

WTC to Offer Marketing & Business Management Program this Fall ...

July 21, 2011 ? The Cheyenne Star (online) ?

Beginning this Fall, the Western Technology Center Sayre campus will begin offering a new full time program in Marketing and Business Management.

Through this program, students will be able to choose from one of the four Career Majors offered: Sports and Entertainment Marketing Assistant; Small Business Assistant; Small Business Owner; or Business Marketing and Management. The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Assistant Career Major will focus on the marketing of sports as well as companies that market through sports and plan promotions by studying various target markets, demographics, needs and wants, and pricing strategies. Students will analyze celebrities and how their image is tied to endorsements. The will also learn how movies are distributed and marketed to consumers, study the product life cycle of celebrities and products and how that affects pricing strategies and promotions.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

US takes hardline on North Korea, South China Sea (AP)

BALI, Indonesia ? Tentative steps by North and South Korea to repair relations are not enough to warrant a return to multination nuclear disarmament talks, the Obama administration said at an Asian security conference Saturday, where it also took a tough line on resolving heightened tensions in the South China Sea.

Declaring the United States a "resident power" with vital strategic interests throughout the Asia-Pacific, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said North Korea must do more to improve ties with the South before Washington will consider resuming six-party talks aimed at getting Pyongyang to abandon nuclear weapons in return for concessions.

In addition, Clinton laid out specific guidelines for the peaceful settlement of competing territorial claims by China and its Southeast Asian neighbors in the South China Sea, where she said such disputes are threatening the peace and security that has driven the region's economic growth and prosperity.

Also on the agenda at Saturday's talks on the Indonesian resort island of Bali was Myanmar, which Clinton said has reached a "critical juncture."

The new civilian government, which took over late last year after a half-century of military rule, needs to make "concrete, measurable progress" in bringing about democratic reforms if it wants to win the confidence of the international community.

That includes releasing more than 2,000 political prisoners and holding meaningful dialogue with its political opponents.

The meeting opened with a buzz, with South Korea's foreign minister, Kim Sung-hwan, and the North's Pak Ui Chun walking casually into the conference hall together.

A day before, their countries' top nuclear negotiators met for the first time since nuclear disarmament talks collapsed three years ago, opening the door for dialogue and a potential return, eventually, to more negotiations between the two Koreas, the U.S., China, Japan and Russia.

Clinton told diplomats from 26 other Asian and European countries that she was encouraged to see the change.

"But we remain firm that in order for six-party talks to resume, North Korea must take steps to improve North-South relations," she said. "North Korea continues to present a critical proliferation challenge to the international community and to threaten regional stability with its provocative actions."

Since the last round of talks, North Korea has conducted a second nuclear test and revealed a uranium enrichment facility that could give it another way to make atomic bombs. Recent North Korean threats against Seoul's conservative government include a vow to retaliate over South Korean soldiers' use of pictures of the ruling North Korean family for target practice.

Ahead of the conference, China and its Southeast Asian neighbors also agreed to a preliminary plan to resolve territorial disputes in the potentially resource-rich South China Sea.

China claims the sea ? of tremendous strategic importance to everyone because one-third of the world's shipping transits through it ? in its entirety. The Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Brunei and Malaysia loudly disagree.

There have been several flare-ups in the waterway in recent months, with Beijing usually accused of being the instigator.

Clinton urged all parties to show restraint and to comply with international law "and resolve their disputes through peaceful means." It's vital, she said, that they work together.

As a starting point, the U.S. wants all nations to map out their claims in terms consistent with customary international law, a senior U.S. official said on condition he not be named, adding that many of the claims seem to be "exaggerated."

North Korea's newly appointed envoy, Ri Yong Ho, meanwhile, said Friday that he and his South Korean counterpart, Wi Sung-lac, agreed during their meeting to work together to quickly restart nuclear talks.

Wi, who described the talks as "productive" and "helpful," confirmed the agreement and said he and Ri would continue their efforts.

North Korea stands to get badly needed aid and other concessions if it returns to the talks and has indicated in recent months that it may be ready.

North Korea's main ally, China, has been pressing for a speedy resumption of the talks. The U.S. and other countries have held out, saying that meaningful North-South dialogue must occur first. A senior U.S. official welcomed Friday's meeting but said it remains to be seen if the rapprochement is enough to warrant a return to the table.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss closed-door diplomacy, said Clinton and the foreign ministers of Japan and South Korea would meet in Bali on Saturday to assess the situation and plot a way forward. The official would not predict if a decision on resuming the six-party talks would be made at the meeting.

In a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Clinton affirmed "our mutual desire for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula" but offered no hint on whether the U.S. would agree to resume the nuclear talks.

Yang, however, signaled China's intense interest in getting things back on track. "Anything we can do together to promote better atmosphere and good dialogue among the parties concerned and to work together to restart the six-party talks would be in the best interests of peace, stability and security of the region," he said.

The disarmament talks have been stalled since 2008, when North Korea walked out to protest international criticism of a prohibited long-range rocket launch. Tensions between the North and South have remained high ever since.


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Oh pays tribute to Matsui for 500th home run (AP)

TOKYO ? Japanese home run king Sadaharu Oh paid tribute to Hideki Matsui after the Oakland Athletics' outfielder hit his 500th homer.

"Five hundred is a figure that carries a lot of worth in the major leagues," Oh said Thursday. "To keep hitting home runs during a tough schedule while maintaining your conditioning is not easy."

Matsui has 168 home runs in the majors and 332 for the Yomiuri Giants.

Oh hit a record 868 home runs over 22 seasons with the Giants, helping his team win nine straight Japan Series championships between 1965-73. Oh shares the Japanese single-season home run record of 55 with Tuffy Rhodes and Alex Cabrera.

Only eight players have hit more than 500 homers in the history of Japanese professional baseball.

On Wednesday night in Detroit, Matsui homered and drove in three runs in Oakland's 7-5 victory.

"I'm happy to get it over with, and it is even better that it helped us win a game," Matsui said through an interpreter. "It isn't like I've been aiming for this, because I don't really combine numbers from Japan and here. To me, they are two separate leagues."

Matsui led off the sixth inning with his milestone homer ? his first since June 16 ? to put Oakland up 3-2.

"I never dreamed he would achieve what he has achieved," Matsui's father, Masao, told NikkanSports newspaper. "I hope he does everything he can to help his team win."


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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rogers Samsung Infuse 4G gets priced at $150 by Future Shop

Rogers Samsung Infuse 4G

Rogers has been on a roll as of late when it comes to updating their Android line-up of devices. Last night in Toronto they held the launch party for the Samsung Infuse 4G and today, Future Shop has outed the pricing of the soon-to-be released device. $149 is what you'll be looking at should you decide to agree to a new 3-year contract but if contracts aren't really your thing, then you'll be looking to hand over $550.  That said; keep in mind the Samsung Galaxy S II is starting to arrive at Bell and Virgin Mobile retail shops all across Canada and only costs $50 more off contract.

Source: Future Shop; via: Mobile Syrup


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